Telematics Car Insurance Improvement on Traditional Car Insurance

telematics car insuranceTraditional car insurance has been around for decades.  It is now referred to by many as old fashioned car insurance or old style insurance.  The time for traditional car insurance appears to be drawing to a close as a new mix of car insurance products hit the market.  A dynamic new car insurance attracting a lot of attention is called telematics pay as you drive car insurance and it is growing in popularity with each passing month.  The unique thing about telematics car insurance is its ability to provide a potential avenue to saving money for the driver.

Telematics car insurance sets a new standard with the introduction of a new process to reward drivers who are willing to drive safely.  The process starts with a small device which is mounted to the inside of the insured car.  This small device has many responsibilities including the monitoring of driving habits whilst the driver is behind the wheel.

The device monitors driving habits like speeding, braking and cornering.  It also notes the time of day or night the car is being driven.  The device has a special feature also.  It is GPS enabled which makes it possible for the insurer to see what types of roads the car is being driven on.

The device collects data which is evaluated by the insurer.  When the insurer has evidence that the driver is handling the car with safety, the driver becomes eligible to receive rewards from the insurer.  These rewards are valuable to most drivers as they equate to pounds being cut from the cost of car insurance.

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